Sometimes when I am really really hungry or really really tired I have these minor freak outs that sometimes involve crying and Barret likes to call them "Mary Moments". This weekend I think that I had one of my best. You have to keep in mind that these moments are not normal and usually are over something very small that breaks the iceberg of something else going on that is probably bottled up. Like one time I cried because the sheets were not on my bed right, or because someone looked at me the wrong way and then it's water works. Can't help it, it just is part of the package deal I tell Barret. So anyway on Monday we were on our way home from a great weekend in Virginia Beach for a wedding. It was Barret's birthday, the sun was shining and everything was just perfect, except that I was beginning to have stomach pain because I was hungry. I don't know where this has come from, but I think it has something to do with my gall bladder being gone. It is like this horrible pain in the pit of my stomach that somehow effects my brain that my tearducts. I wanted to eat at the hotel before we left, but Barret had getting home on his mind and it was his birthday so I wasn't going to push it. We decided we would get some food on the way. We passed quite a few exits where there were food stops and I swear I could hear them calling my name, but I just kept telling myself it is Barret's birthday maybe there is something special he wants to eat so I will just bite my tounge. Well sometime when I start biting my tounge I become a bit snappy and finally I said "Look! Hardees!" Barret pulled over because he has learned about the hunger pain and cranky that comes with it. There were a couple of fast food restaurants at this exit, but Barret had agreed Hardees sounded good and I started thinking about those damn biscuits, seriously I think they are the best. Well Chick-fil-a was there too and a little closer so Barret said oh never mind we will just go to Chick-fil-a. Well you would have thought someone had just killed my best friend. I screamed like a young child "NNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I DON"T WANT CHICK-FIL-A!!! I WANT HARDEES!!!!" Not to mention there were tears, actual tears, not like the ones I try and fake to my brother Geoff, but real ones. We are lucky Barret didn't have a car accident, he swerved because I guess it sounded like the shriek I give before he is about to hit an animal! Folks, it was bad. We got to Hardees and Barret who usually handles my Mary Moments very well, I mean he gave them the name for crying out loud was not happy at me. Which sent me into hysterical laughing. Jesus Mary, I mean what is wrong with you, it is all chicken and biscuits. I tried to explain it to him, but there was no hope. Of course because he is the most wonderful guy in the world, didn't stay mad long and I kept laughing. I took a sip of the diet coke and a bite of the biscuit and all was great in the world again. It is a very strange phenomenon, kind of like a mutlipe personality. Not Roxie though, that is my party alter-ego who is tres fun! This one needs an evil name. I am open to suggestions.
or "Magaere" which is a greek derived name meaning "a fury"!
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