OK I have to vent about something. I don't know who in the marketing world put Jenny McCarthy on the new Weight Watchers ad. It drives me crazy. She is supposed to be in playboy, or doing crazy things on MTV's singled out, or in another stupid movie, but really Weight Watchers. Have you seen the ad. It drives me crazy. She talks about how she had to lose all this weight after he children and then she does think little high pitched shriek thing saying something about how she can eat a whole watermelon and still lose weight. OMG I want to reach through the tv and shake her. I just don't understand who in marketing said, ok lets put Jenny McCarthy on the tv for weight watchers because she totally connects with stay at home mothers who are trying to lose weight, while wearing black nail polish and eating entire watermelons. Really I want to smack her.
yeah, she's kind of a ho.
but that's why they have fat celebrity girl whats her name..kirstie alley.
they need jenny mccarthy for the young, i'm too good to put my finger down my throat, types. i say more power to her! you go girl! you eat that watermelon!
and besides her child has autism and she did a great piece on it on cnn. i think she also wrote a book.
love love love her
but not really
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