Yesterday was intense ladies and gentleman. I managed to engage myself into four seasons in one day. After waking up on Sunday with a headache from the champagne that I found at the 5th or 6th wedding Barret I have been to this year I remembered that my dear friend Pie called and announced that she was engaged!!!! Yay Pie!!!! But if you remember engagement season opens Dec 24th...there must be an early season this year. But what girl doesn't love going to weddings...it is a girl thing to do. Look at the wedding dress, figure out how all the bridesmaids know each other, and what interesting gossip is going on with the guests. There are flowers, friends, dresses and a cake. (on a side note Barret is starting to commentate weddings and will say things like...this is the second wedding we have been to where they had cupcakes instead of a wedding cake. I think it is pretty funny, if you know Barret you will think it is funny also because at the beginning of this wedding season i am not even sure Barret knew there was cake at a wedding)...anyway. The wedding season is a great one for girls. The second season Barret and I found ourselves in was football season! I love football season, obviously especially the Steelers...but Football has really tried to gain women fans. For example all the refs are wearing a pink ribbon for breast cancer awareness. I think that is great and I applaud that NFL for that. Also those tight ends have some great tight ends in those tight pants. What girl does not want the camera to be behind the offense when Tom Brady bends over for the snap. It is a beautiful thing. So season two of football was mixed in with season three of NASCAR. I again don't know if I can really get into NASCAR, but this is how Sunday's go at our house. Football...NASCAR...football...NASCAR...football...NASCAR...Barret falls asleep....Mary takes remote...MTV The Hills...Barret wakes up...football...NASCAR last 5 laps and we are through with that! So I think our third season of NASCAR is made for ladies also because really it doesn't take that long for the guys to drift off to sleep with the constant 500 laps around the track...then we get the remote. It is great. Then there is break and the new grill is used and some news is watched because we all need some current events...and then Sunday night football. Usually by this time I am sports out, but not last night...Sunday Night Football featured the Steelers! Sadly our 4th season was also starting/finishing...baseball. I do not like baseball. There are like a million games and the Red Soxs or the Yankees always win the World Series. No one even knows baseball is going on until the World Series. Okay so I had to share the commercials with the Red Sox game last night...b/c I wasn't missing one second of the steelers game for the red sox. Again I was thinking that maybe I could get two seasons of tight pants in one night and well else can a girl as for on a Sunday night. But no...when did Baseball loose the tight pants? The guy pictured above, Manny Ramierez wore the baggiest clothes I have ever seen in my life. I am so confused. All Barret wanted to do was watch the last game of this series and here I am bitching about how tight...or non tight I should say Manny's pants are. Needless to say we didn't watch much baseball. Baseball has absolutely nothing to lure the female crowd to watch the game. If you find something i would love to know. As for me I have made my picks for my 4 seasons...in the wedding category I am cheering for Pie, Football...duh Steelers, NASCAR I cheer for Jimmy Johnson, not so much that I care if he wins or not but Barret got me a baby blue baseball cap with a sparkly 48 on it so I feel if I have a piece of clothing I should cheer for that person, and finally I will cheer for the Colorado Rockies...spread the wealth. So 4 seasons in one day... Put a fork in me I am done.