With my new fancy job for the "man" comes a four flight ride in a shaky elevator. Great building, bad elevators. Anyway on 4 floors there are a bunch of people who work for other companies. I seem to be on the same schedule with a group of people, arrive at the same time, lunch at the same time, leave at the same time and park in the same area. It is weird. But anyway I have noticed a lot of things about these people because they all know each other and talk, and I observe with the occasional ,"Man it is hot outside", "Have a good day", "Boy I am glad it is 5 o clock", those sorts of things. Sometimes I get nosy, like there is one woman who rides the elevator who always has a book in her hand, and it is always different. I asked her how many books she reads, "at least 7 a week". Are you serious?! I don't have time to read half of one much less 7! She is always reading, when she is walking, riding the elevator, eating...it really is amazing. Then there are a few guys who get on who are very involved with their church and talk about all the missions they have sent their children on...but they smell really bad of BO so I always try to avoid the ride with them if possible. Yesterday however was the most exciting ride. Most of the people in the building work on the 3rd floor, so at 5 i push the down button, get on the elevator and the doors open at three and a shit load of people get on with me. They were all fired up yesterday, "can you believe it" "did you see it" "How big was it". Totaling phrases that peak my curiosity. I finally not being able to hold it in anymore said "What was it?" A SNAKE they all scream. It was spotted on the first floor and with the 104 degree heat it is not a wonder there weren't 20 snakes trying to get in the building. I asked, "Did someone get it out?" Nope, someone saw it and then went to get help and it was gone. SHOCKER. They were all laughing about it and saying how thankful they were to be on the 3rd floor....I didn't have the heart to tell them that snakes can climb stairs. So now I have checked all my desk drawers and under my desk, because I am not going to have the snake anywhere near me.
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