I am a really big fan of the trend to go green. It is really hard though. I find myself stuffing the washing machine to the fullest so that I get the most out of the water that I am going to just drain. If I am not in the room, I turn off the light and any other electric devices. I turn my computer off every day and try my hardest to remember to turn off the moniter too. I use cloth towels instead of 30 paper towels. I keep meaning to buy some of those bags for groceries (although I don't grocery shop much...good old Barret). However we do recycle the bags that we get from the grocery store for trash liners in our wastebasket and dog poop pickerupers. I try and carpool if possible. Barret and I will use my car if we are going somewhere together because it uses much less gas then the moster truck. I recycle all the paper at work. But yet I still think I am leaving a nice carbon footprint :( I have to say that what I am really impressed in, and again because I think this is happening because it is a trend, are big companies trying to go green. Right now I think that people will choose one company over another if one is green. I think Obama could win as President if he said the White House was going green. I would vote for that. But I have to tell you that there is one company that really stands out in my mind. I have no idea if they have just won me over, because I haven't done a ton of research on them, but I LOVE their commericals. I don't claim to be a commerical expert, but I generally give each commerical on TV a rating, a comment or the worst, a channel switch. Great commericals capture me and make me want to buy and believe in the campaign. OK commericals I watch but don't really remember what they are selling within 1 minute of it being over...and channel switchers...well imagine Big Roy shouting at you on the TV to come on down and test drive the Big Ass Truck for one day only. Those are the ones that I cannot stand. If you don't have a budget to make a commerical...don't make it. Anyway I have completely gotten off track...my favorite commericals are the ones for GE. My love for them started with the elephant dancing in the rainforest. It was a couple of years ago, but I still remember it because it was different, and green before green was cool. Recently (during the Westminster dog show- GO BEAGLES!) I saw another one by them. There was this house with sunpanels and you could tell it was an enviornmentally friendly house. There was a tree who uprooted itself and at first I thought it was going to bash the house in for taking its sun...but instead it hugs the house and the man leaning against the fence says..."househugger". Brilliant! It was simple and to the point and I look for that commerical everytime I have the TV on. You can watch it on GE's website
Those are your thoughts from me today!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
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GE is a huge polluter and makes nuclear bombs as well as light bulbs. It is the world's second largest company and has polluted so many rivers, streams and the air we breathe that you cant go anywhere in the world not touched by their egregious polluting. The commercial you reference is part of a "charm offensive" from GE to make you forget that they are the world's WORST polluter in the world! Don't be fooled...
GE has faced criminal action regarding its defense related operations. GE was convicted in 1990 of defrauding the U.S. Department of Defense, and again in 1992 on charges of corrupt practices in the sale of jet engines to Israel.
From Wikipedia...
General Electric has a history of large-scale air and water pollution. Based on year 2000 data, researchers at the Political Economy Research Institute listed the corporatation as the fourth-largest corporate producer of air pollution in the United States, with more than 4.4 million pounds per year of toxic chemicals released into the air.
General Electric has also been implicated in the creation of toxic waste. According to EPA documents, only the United States Government and Honeywell are responsible for producing more Superfund toxic waste sites.[15] To be placed in proper context, however, one must recall the size of the company. When compared to a more polluting, but much smaller company, like the aforementioned Honeywell, GE's record is much better than many of its competitors.
In 1983, New York State Attorney General Robert Abrams filed suit in Federal District Court to compel G.E. to pay for the cleanup of what was claimed to be more than 100,000 tons of chemicals dumped (legally, at the time) from their plant in Waterford.
In 1999, the company agreed to pay a $250 million settlement in connection with claims it polluted the Housatonic River and other sites with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and other hazardous substances.[17] In 2002, after spending millions of dollars on advertisements intended to avert the project, General Electric was ordered to clean up a 40 mile stretch of the Hudson River it had contaminated with PCBs. In 2003, acting on concerns that the plan proposed by GE did not "provide for adequate protection of public health and the environment," the United States Environmental Protection Agency issued a unilateral administrative order for the company to "address cleanup at the GE site" in Rome, Georgia, also contaminated with PCBs.
In May 2005 GE announced the launch of a program called "Ecomagination," intended, in the words of CEO Jeffrey Immelt "“to develop tomorrow’s solutions such as solar energy, hybrid locomotives, fuel cells, lower-emission aircraft engines, lighter and stronger durable materials, efficient lighting, and water purification technology,” prompting the The New York Times to observe that, "while General Electric's increased emphasis on clean technology will probably result in improved products and benefit its bottom line, Mr. Immelt's credibility as a spokesman on national environmental policy is fatally flawed because of his company's intransigence in cleaning up its own toxic legacy."
Thank you very much, as I said in the post, I haven't done much research on them...seems they are having a hard time going green too! However I will keep my stand that they do have some of the best commericals.
in case you wondering, it wasn't me who posted those!
hahah Anne...you name crossed my mind, but my bet is on my brother
i'm 100 percent guessing that was tayloe.
good job for going green mary! the very best thing we can all do is buy less crap. watch this video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dz3tPxUFGbY
are you sure that wasn't Geoff?
I think the Wikipedia piece sold me on Tayloe/Mary Jo :)
only the shadow knows....
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