Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Just a little Patience

When you date a doctor you live a healthy life. When you date a dentist you have the best teeth in town. When you date a lawyer you stay out of trouble. When you date a General Contractor you live your life in sawdust. When we first moved into our house I remember Barret saying...this is great...the house barely needs any work. HA...I laugh in the face of that comment. We started out with plaster man Charlie who took care of all the cracks in the plaster and painting. (This is the dustiest of all dusty jobs) Honestly Barret and I could have done the painting...and we gave it our best shot...but seriously we almost broke up a couple of times because of that damn paintbrush. So for the sake of our relationship Barret and I decided Charlie was better at painting then we are. Then there was the hole in the roof. Which wasn't bad...we just didn't know it was there until our ceiling started to bubble. Cracks and the holes in the wall is all the house gave us a problem with and god bless it for that...because Barret gets going on a roll. "Its all about resale value Mary." We started out the summer with the new fence and patio which I love and adore and spent a lot of time on this summer. In fact at the last girls night we figured out it makes a great catwalk! Then we saw the front porch come off and it is still in the fixings, but looks ah-ma-zing. But this my friends is what I have been waiting for all summer long and talk about PATIENCE. It was all worth it! When we first got the house there was this ugly ass fireplace in the living room. It was brick and ugly and on top of it all it did not work...not even as a gas fireplace. Nothing. It was stupid and I hated it. The only thing it was good for was my nutcracker collection. The idea came around that built in bookcases would really be nice. We don't have much storage so maybe some cabinets too? I had no idea that this is what I was getting. One of the guys at Barret's office builds things on the side? I don't really know what he does but all I know is that Barret showed him the wall, told him sort of what we wanted and this is what arrived at my house yesterday. And oh yeah...the big black abyss is where the new TV is going...HELLO STEELERS! So if you have been to my house think about when you walk in the front door (well if you can b/c for a while we had no porch) anyway...walk in the front door, turn your head to the left and bam...hello gorgeous! So I will take being a general contractors girlfriend any day...unless maybe David Beckham dumps Posh...then it is fair game :)

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