Monday, July 21, 2008


Dear T2,
I hope you had a wonderful birthday party yesterday! I loved being there with you and getting to play with all your toys and write special notes on your chalkboard! I know you really loved your cupcakes, finger paints and new tractor that godfather peter brought for you! You have a very exciting year with a new brother on the way in 6 weeks! You are going to be a great big brother because you are possibly the sweetest child I have ever met. I never get tired of your sloppy kisses and huge hugs. You are a love my dear. I am so lucky to have you AND Becca in the wedding. I love you both dearly. I am glad you are back in VA and I miss you! Fins! Noggin!
Love you,
Aunt Mary

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

No Jones or Smith

So it occurred to me that in 88 days not only will I be a wife, have a husband and in-laws, but I will also have a new last name. Don't get me wrong I didn't just think about it...I have been practicing my new signature but I just really started to think think about it. It kind of reminds me of when someone asks you how old you are and you just had a birthday. You say I am 25 but really you are 26, but for the past year you have been saying 25. Except I have had my last name for 26 years...not just one. And then all of the sudden poof you say a few words you are blessed and you have a new last name. I imagine it takes some time before you remember each time what your new last name is. Not only am I getting a new last name I am getting a new complicated last name. Emery has treated me fine...I usually have to spell it because people want to write down EmOry or for some reason they think I have said my name is Mary Emily. But that is nothing compared to what is coming. Leipertz. So now we are going to have a spelling and pronuciation lesson, because if you are my family and friends you should know how to spell and say it because you are going to get asked Leipawhat too. So spelling is a little tricky. It doesn't follow the "i before e except after c" little diddy we were taught in kindergarten. switches on you and is LEI. But is pronounced LIE. Then the next slip is that everyone wants to put an 's' on the end...but it is a 'z'....but again it sounds like 's'. So L-E-I-P-E-R-T-Z. So we got the LEI sounds like LIE and the PERTZ that sounds like HERTZ with a P. So if you remember can remember to pronounce it LEIPERTZ! Jones or Smith would have just been to simple. Oh and as a side note...Barret has two r's and 1 t.